Xmas Activity 2020
Xmas Activity 2020

On December 26, 2020 residents at Dar il-Wens could not enjoy the Christmas festivities and liturgical events which they normally would have been eagerly looking forward to. Although they had to remain indoors, the residents still wanted to share with the rest of the community their happiness with the infant Jesus, whilst at the same time not putting themselves and others at risk.
Dar il-Wens administrator Mark Psaila, a member of the Kummissjoni Djakonija at Kalkara parish, explained that the idea came to them when they recalled how San Ġorġ Preca used to circulate with the Baby Jesus.
On Christmas morning the residents swaddled the Baby Jesus in their blankets and positioned him on the roof of a car. The residents expressed their happiness when they looked out of the doors and windows of the Home to give their salutation to Baby Jesus.
With the assistance of the parish under the leadership of parish priest Fr Brian Gialanze, for three whole hours the car carrying the Baby Jesus wended its way through the streets of Kalkara to the accompaniment of Christmas music in order to deliver happiness to residents in their homes.
Many residents took to their windows and balconies to follow this simple yet loving demonstration organised by the residents of Dar il-Wens and their carers.